Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome to Reading and Responding to Children's Literature!

If you've made it here, then you are on the right path to blogging your way through a whole lot of children's books this term. Please remember to send me you blog address right away so that I can get it linked over on the right side of this page. Also, feel free to browse the posts of past (and soon, current) students to get ideas for new books to read. The idea of this blog is to get you thinking and sharing children's literature, movies, and culture with one another.

Further, feel free to share your blog with others outside of our immediate class; I've had several past student get "followed" by authors (they sometime check who is reviewing their books:), local teachers, and even other children's literature fans throughout the world. It's a nice way to both use your professional voice and get your name and ideas out there. It also allows you as an almost-teacher to participate in an education minded online community.

Best wishes and happy blogging!